Selasa, 28 Juli 2015


Nama Sekolah             : SMK Negeri 1 Taliwang
Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester            : X/TGB, TKJ, TKR
Alokasi Waktu            : 6  x 45 menit (4 kali pertemuan)

A.    Standar Kompetensi
1.      Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice
B.     Kompetensi Dasar
1.1.    Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan dasar pada interaksi social untuk kepentingan kehidupan
C.    Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
1.   Mengucapkan salam pada saat bertemu dan berpisah secara tepat
2.   Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain secara tepat
D.    Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mempelajari materi ini,
I.  Kemampuan siswa yang diharapkan:
1.   Menggunakan ungkapan untuk memberikan ucapan salam (greeting) pada saat bertemu dan berpisah secara tepat
2.   Menggunakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain dengan tepat
3.   Memperagakan berbagai ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain dengan tepat
II. Kararkter siswa yang diharapkan:
A. Percaya diri
B.  Kerja sama
C.  Kejujuran
D. Kesantunan

E.     Materi pembelajaran
1.  Greeting and leaving expression
2.  Introduction expression 

F.     Metode pembelajaran
Ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi, tugas kelompok dan tugas individual
G.    Kegiatan Pembelajaran
          I.      kegiatan pendahuluan
1.      Guru memberikan pretest berkaian dengan materi yang akan dipelajari
2.      Guru memberikan pengantar tentang materi yang akan dibahas
       II.      kegiatan inti
1.      Eksplorasi
·         Guru menjelaskan mengenai berbagai ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyapa, serta perkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain
·         Guru memberikan sedikit contoh tentang ungkapan yang digunakan ketika menyapa serta memperkenalkan diri dan orang lain
2.      Elaborasi
·         Siswa mendengarkan sebuah monolog teks dan melengkapi kata-kata yang hilang dalam teks monolog tersebut
·         Siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang terkait dengan monolog teks yang didengarnya
·         Siswa diminta secara bergiliran mempraktikan teks tersebut di depan kelas
·         Siswa membaca beberapa bacaan dari dalam LKS
·         Siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan terkait dengan isi bacaan yang dibacanya.
3.      Konfirmasi
·         Guru mengevaluasi semua kegiatan siswa pada pertemuan kali ini
    III.      kegiatan penutup
1.      Guru bersama siswa membuat simpulan hasil belajar
2.      Guru memberikan posttest  untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa terhadap materi yang baru saja dipelajari
3.      Guru memberikn tugas rumah berupa pengerjaan LKS.

H.    Sumber Belajar
1.      Buku Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelas X
2.      Referensi lain yang relevan

I.       Penilaian Hasil Belajar
ü  Teknik                           : Tugas Individu atau Kelompok
ü  Bentuk Instrumen         : Uraian Singkat
ü  Instrumen                      : Tertulis

         Mengetahui,                                                                Taliwang,   Juli 2015
         Kepala SMK N 1 Taliwang                                        Guru Mata Pelajaran

         Drs. Fahruddin Yasin ZA                                           Lalu Surya Adi Saputra , S.Pd
         NIP. 19600915 198503 1 021                                    NIP. 19740419 200604 1 008                                                

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014

kurikulum 2013


Mata Pelajaran     :  BAHASA INGGRIS - WAJIB
Kelas                    :  X
Kompetensi Inti  :

KI 1: Menghayati dan mengamalkan  ajaran agama yang dianutnya
KI 2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai),  santun, responsif dan pro-aktif  dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia
KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,  kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

soal soal bahasa inggris

                Quetions  12 to 23 rever to the fllowing text.
1.        Creat  a cover letter saying who the document is for and from as well as their tended fax number and for your phone number. Place the cover letter on top of your documents and insert in into the fax  machine.
2.        Enter the fax number.
3.        hit the send key once .Now you have proprly entred all of  the numbers into the machine.
4.        wait for your docoment to pass thoungh the machine and collet them when finiset     
5.        look for a comfirmatios page to print

21.   “wait for your documets to pass through the mahcine and collect them when finished.”
Which of the following is the synonym of the underlined word?
A.      Design
B.      Industry
C.      Engine
D.      Tool
22.   What Is the next step after inserting the document into the fax machine?
A.        Place the cover letter on the top.
B.         Wait for the documents.
C.         Enter The fax number.
D.        Hit the send key.
23.   What does the text tell us about?
A.        How to use a fax macgine.
B.         How to create a cover letter.
C.         How to Use a printer machine.
D.        How to use a photocopy machine.
Questions 24 and 25 refer to the following text.
Endang bahayu Sedyaningsih (1 February 1955- 2 May 2012) was an indonesian physician , resercher ,and author.She served as Minisrter of Health of the Republic of indonesia from Octber 22, 2009 until April 30 ,2012. Sedyaningsih recieved her medical degree in 1979 from the facualty of Medicini at the University of indonesia,and her master of public  Health  (MPH) and Doctor of public Health (DrPH) degreess in social epidemiology from Harvard School of public Health in 1997.She bengan her career when She joined the public health service in 1980 and worked in remote areas as the Head of Waipare Health center in  East Nusa Tenggra for three 1993, She moved to jakarta.For 6 months in 2001, she spent her time working with world Health OrganizationHeadquarter in Geneva,Switzerland.

24.   “Sedyaningsih receivead her Medical degree...”(sentence 3)            
         What is the syinonym of the underlined?
A.        Got
B.         Gave
C.         Asket
D.        Informed   
25.   where did endang rahayu sedyaningsih receive her first medical degree from?
A.        Faculty of medicine of the university of indonesia.
B.         Minister of health of the republic of indonesia.
C.         Social Epidemiology from harvard school.
D.        World health organization.
How does pacAtta signature pursuit help you?
 pacAtta signiture persuit is a web-based serviceservice that provides improved tracking and delivery information. These new features can help streamline your billing tasks, improve costomer service, and control costs, pacAtta offers you .proof of delivery (P.O.D) with signature image . full deliveri addres . C.O.D information . reference number information. pacAtta Saves your time and is easy to use bicause : USP signature tracing is always available-24 hours a day , 7 day a week . web access to P.O.D  is muac faster  than phoning  for waiting to recaeive a P.O.D. via fax or regular mail . prin    tablel  P.O.D. saves  the user for4 $2 fee per  P.O.D. request.

                26.    what can be abaut the company service?
                                A. It takes a lot pof time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
                B. It has a much better system.
                                C. It lengthens billing procedures.
                             D. It makes custamer service busier.                                                                                                         
  27.    what is one of the New features  offered?
                             A.  Sender’s addres.                                                                                                                                              B.  Reference number.                                                                                                                                                            C. Bank account number.                                                                                                                                                                                  D. The current location of a package.

28.   what is Signature Pursuit?                                                                                                                          A.   A delivery service.                                                                                                                                                                                    B.   A mailing system.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  C.   A billing program.                                                                                                                                                 D.  A  tracking system.                                                                                                                                               
      Questions 29 to 30 rever to the fllowing text.
              INTERNAL MEMORENDUM      
To     : Marketing  Division
From: Celine
Date : 15 th june

Pleace check these  arrangements and let me know ASAP if there are any problems.

Thursday 22 nd
10.00 Arrival. Preliminary discussions with Alex Clark.
11.30 presention of MRP-Lussie Liu.
12.00 LUNCH WITH Lussie Liu and Kelly Christ The amazing palace.
02.30 Workshop tour with Alex Clark.
05.00 car to Dorchester Hotel.
07.00 Theater visit and supper with paul willys

Friday 23 rd
10.00 visit to peterborough plant
05.00 Car to stansted airport.
06.20 Flight UK 496 to Milan.

29.  The activity after arriving at Dorchester Hotel is.......
                      A.      early discussion with Mr. Clark                                                                                                  
B.      Having dinner with Mr. Willys                                                                                                          
 C.      MRP presentation by Lussie Liu                                                                                                     
D.      Visiting  workshop venue

30.  wher will they meet with Kelly Christ?
                                         A.  The amazing palace.                                                                                                                                        B.   Dorchester   hotel.                                                                                                                          C.   Peterborough.                                                                                                                                                           D.   Milan.

31.   what is the memo abaut                                                                                                                                                      A.  Business tour.                                                                                                                                                                B.  Pinic schedule.                                                                                                                                                            C.  Meting venus                                                                                                                                                              D. Business itinerary.
Quertions 21 to 23 refer to the following text.
Bristol Motor Company
201 Gray Gym Road
July 13,2012

Mr.Jonathan Smith
147 Irving Stone Road

Dear Mr. Smith.

We are pleased to confirm your being employed by our firm in the capacity of accounting staff. You will report directly ti Mr. Stantley, commencing with your start of employment on August 1. 2012.
Your Salary Shall be $3,500.00 per month. You will also be covered by the standard group benefit plans and fringe Benefits explained to you . For the first year, vacation time shall be pro-rated , so you will be entitlid to 5 days vacation for this year.
If you agree , this letter sets for the  understanding , please sign the enclosed copy and return for our files , we look forward to your joining the company

Very truly,

Ford Harrison

21.  what is the letter about?
A.     The increase of Mr.Smith’S salary.
B.     The new position of Mr.Stanley.
C.     The employment of Mr. Smith.
D.     The new vacation policy.
22.  when wiil the empoyee start working?
A.     On july, 2012.
B.     Onn August 1,2012.
C.     5 days in week.
D.     At the firsit year.
23.  what is the letter set for?
A.     Returning the file.
B.     Srtandart group benefit.
C.     Understanding the new files.
D.     Memorandum of Understanding

Questions 24 to 26 refer the following text.
Sekel Associates , LLC
Whith headquarter in Minnesota, Sekel Associates, LLC provides superior consulting services for managing the implementation of warehouse management system in the relitial industry, serving both the domestic and internasional sectors. Our associates are distinguished by thier funcional and technical expertise combine  with thier hand-on experience, thereby ensuring that our clients recieve the most effective and professional service

As an expert in automated retail management system and distribution, Sekel is involved in every stage upon client selection of wherehouse management software from implementation offering countinual functional and technical support.
Exceptional functional and technical expertise coupled with extensive indrustry know ledge make secel associates, LLC the idea choice for consulting firm to manage the implementation of your werehouse management system

24.  what is the text about?
A.     Software industry.
B.     Warehouse association .
C.     Warehouse consulting firm.
D.     Warehouse software installation
25.  Which sector does the associate serve?
A.     Functional and technical ones.
B.     The domestic and international ones.
C.     Consulting firm and management system.
D.     Client selection of warehouse management system.
26.  What does this business provide?
A.     Money
B.     Services.
C.     Products
D.     certificates.

Questions 27 and 28 refer to the following text.
Joseph Beneraict Chiflay (1885-1951). Chiflay  was the son of a blacksmith. He was bron in Bathurst in 1885 and spent most of his childhood on his grandfather in trade UNIONS, espcially when he was firet.
 In 1928 Chifley was elected to Parliament. He became an expert on finance and was appointed as a treasurer in 1941. When the Prime Minister, jhon Curtin died, Chifley was elected as the heat of the labor party and became the new Prime Minister of Autralia. This was at a difficult time. World war II had finishet and Chifley had to arrage training scheme to prepare  people who had  been in the armed forces for peacetime careers.

            27.       when did Chifley become the member of Parliament?
A.     In 1885.
B.     In 1928.
C.     In 1941.
D.     In 1951.
28.       what is the synonym  of armed forces in” .... the armed forces for peacetime careers”?
A.     wearponry.
B.     artillery.
C.     military.
D.     Machinery.
Questions 29 to 30 refer to the fllowing instructions.
      Connect the land from the charger to the bottom of your cellular phone or to a charging stand. Then plug the charger into a standard wall outlet. When the battery is charging, the battery strength indicator on the right side of  the display scrolls.

      If your phone displays  Not charging, charging  is suspended . Check that the battery  is connected to an approved charging device. If the battery is very hot or cold, wait for a while; charging will automatically resume after the battery is restored to its normal oprating state.

        If charging still, contact your dealer.
            29.       what devices are these instructions for?
A.     A portable phone.
B.     A Palm phone.
C.     A cell phone.
D.     A laptop computer.

30.       what should you do if the battery is” not charging”?
A.     Call the factory.
B.     Check the battery’ s connection.
C.     Check your dealer immedistely.
D.     Check the normal operating time.

32.      Candra                      : How will Herni go to the conference in Manado?
    Rima                      : .... She  will take the first flight.
She probably takes the express train.
She perhaps goes by her own car.
She might fly by bouraq Airlines.
She may come earlier.
33.      Customer                : I didn’t know the cake had nuts in it. I’m allergic to them.
    Waiter                  : Sorry, sir. I forgot to mention it. ...., sir?
    Don,t mention it. ...., sir?
    Customer            : A fruit cake, Please.
How could i help  you        
Are you ready to order
Would you like to drink
What would you like to have
34.      Tatang                      : I have to submit the report tomorrow  morning, but at the same time I
                                               Must  attend  the  workshop. ....?
    Sutisna                 : If  I were you I would submit the report first, then  go  to the workshop.
What must we do for that
 Do you want to accompany  we
What do you recommend me to do
Do you have a plan to overcome this problem
35.      Man                           : How often does the plane  from Singapore fly?
    Women                                : .... You can ask the information for the time table.
    Man                       : Thank you
It usually leaves at 05 P.M.
It comes every 8 hours.
It arrives at gate 7.
It departs on time.
36.      rani            : what do you prefer to have in your life ?
    Suci        :  ... than having many, but they are unreliable.
I would rather look for some money
I like to have opportunities in career
I would rather have a few good friends
I would prefer to have a lot  of experiences
37.      adrian       : there is a problem with this camera. it doesn’t work....?
    Hadi       : I’m not sure i can fix it. Let’s find a repair shop.
Do you know how to use it
Would you mind checking it out
Can you take some pictures for me
Will you show me the instruction
38.      hanna       : I really want to continue my study,but my parents can’t afford it.
    Safa       : what will you do then
    Hanna   : ...
If i had a good chance, i would try it.
If i get a scholarship, i will enter the collage.
If  my parents permit me, i will enter the university.
If i studied hard, i could pass the examination.
39.              rendy : when are you going to move to your new apartment?
    Dony  : ....
It will be at the end of the month.
I moved  last month.
I will be here soon.
I had  to plan it.
40.      rizal                 :  i saw  you at the lapiaza mall a few weeks ago. What did you do there?
     Samantha: little sister celebrated her 17th birthday party.
I am purchasing a dress.
I will buy a nice cake.
I looked for a nice gift.
I have prepared a surprise

41.      Jane           : where’s john
    Joe         : he’s in the kitchen now ..... we’ll have special guest tonight.

He’s cooking the dinner.
He’s having breakfast.
We’re having lunch together.
We’re eating our meal.

32.  Rizal               : I saw you at the lapiaza mall a few weeks ago. That did you do there?
        Samantha        : ... my little sister celebrated her 17th birthday party.

    A.I am purchasing a dress.
    B.I Will buy a nice cake.
    C. I Looked for a nice gift.
    D. I have prepared a surprise.

33.Rendy             : when are you going to move to your new apartment?

                    A. It will be at the end of the month.
                    B. I Moved last month.
                    C. I Will be here soon.
                    D. I had to plant it.

34. Rani                                : what do you prefer to have in your life?
       Suci                     :.. than having many, but they are unreliable.

I would rather look for some money.
I Lake to have opportunities in carrer.
I Would rather have a few good friends
I would prefer to have a lot of experiences

35. Man                : How often does the plane from singapore fly?
       Woman             : .... you can ask  the imformation for the time table.
       Man    : thank  you
It usually leaves at 05 P.M.
It comes every 8 hours.
It arrives at gate 7.
It departs on time.

36. Tatang           : I have to submit the report tomorrow morning, but at the same time l must attend                           the workshop..?
        Sutisna             : If l were you l would submit the report first, then go to the workshop.

What must we do for that
Do you want to accopany me
What do you recommend me to do
Do you have a plan to overcome this problem

37.Andrian          : there is a problem with this camera. It doesn’t work..?
       Hadi    : i’m not sure i can fix It.let’s find a repair shop.

Do you know to use it
Would you mind checking it out
Can you take some pictures for me
Will you show me the intruction

38. hanna            : i really want to continue my study,but my parents can’t afford it.
       Safa    : what will you do then?
      Hanna            :......

If i had a good chance, i would try it.
If i get a scholarship, i will enter  the college.
If my parents permit me, i will enter the university.
If i studied hard,i could pass the examination.

39. customer      : i  didn’t know the cake had nuts in it.i’m allergic to them.
       Waiter               : sorry, sir.i forgot to mention it.....,sir?
       custumer          : a fruit cake,please.

How could I help you
Are you ready to order
Would you like to drink
What would you like tihave

40. candra           : how will herni go to the conference in manado
       Rima   : ....... she will take first flight
She probably takes the express train
She perhaps goes her own car
She might fly by buraq airlines
She may come earlier

41. jane                : where’s john?
       Joe      : he’s in the kitchen now...... we’ll have special guest tonight.
He’s cooking the dinner
He’s having breakfast
We’re having lunch together
We’re eating our meal.

32. anisa               : do you think chiko will come to the music concer tonight
       Aryo   : ...... he often works late
He is always here.
He might not be there.
He must come qiickly
He may be coming tomorrow

33. waiter                : good afternoon, sir...?
       Mr. Adi              : yes. Can I have a cup of coffee please?
      Waiter                : of curse, sir. With without sugar?
Would you like to make an order
Do you want a cup of coffee
Would you like to help me
Do you like to eat, sir

34. widya             : I store the book from library  accidently. What do you recommend me to do?
       Finny  : .... and tell the librarian about it.
       Widya                : thank you.

You should read all the books
You should tell the police nearby.
You go to a bookstore and by it.
You had better buy the same games online.

35. Teacher         : what do you always do in the afternoon,maria ?
       Maria                 : i take a rest,... and play some games online.

Use my computer
Fixing my notebook
Turn off the computer
Designs a computer program

36.  husband      : what do you prefer to eat for our candle light dinner tonight ?
        Wife : ... there is a good japanese restaurant nearby.
        Husband          : let’s go there

I would go to the “sari kuring” restaurant
I like having chicken teriyaki
I like going to the cottage
I prefer to have pizza

37. andrian          : there is problem with this doesn’t work...?
      Hadi     : i’m not sure i can fix it.let’s find a repair shop.

Do you know how to use it.
Would you mind checking it out
Can you take some pictures for me
Will you show me the instruction

38. hanna            : i really want to continue my study, but my parents can’t afford it.
       Safa    : what will you do then?
      Hanna                 : ....

If i had a good chance,i would try it.
If i get a scholarship ,i will enter the college
If my parents permit me,i will enter the university
If i studied hard ,i could pass the examination

39.  sofia              : what are you going to do after you graduate from SMK?
       Septi   : .....
       Sofia   : what will you take?
       Septi   : i’m thinking of majoring in business.

I ‘ll try to find a job
I plan to go abroad
I plan to go to college
I want to travel around the world

40. septian          : i had bad day yesterday.
      Fanny : oh really ? what happened with you ?
      Septian               : .... on the way to school.

My motorcycle is being repaired
I bought a new wallet
I meet my old friend
I fell off the bus

41.   jane              : where’s john ?
        Joe     : he’s in the kitchen now... we’’ll have special guest tonight .

He ‘s cooking the dinner
He ‘s having breakfast
We’re having lunch together .
We ‘re eating our meal.
32. puput             : Mr. Prianto’s car is broken.
       Susanto             : he is a good mechanic...

He wasn’t sure to fix it.
I could have done it well.
It is possible for him to repair it.
I’ve asked him to call a technician nearby.

33. maryana       : you look so busy with your homework...?
       Lili        : Sure., it’s very kind of you. Thank you.

Would you bring me some books.
Could you bring me something.
Would you finish it your self.
Would you mind if I have you.

34. Farah              : this math lesson is difficult. I Can understand it.
       Farhan               : ....he teaches it.

Why don’t you take a course?
If  I were you I would do the test.
You had better ask. Mr. Dadang.
You should study yourself.
35. bunga                : where do you work and what do you do?
       Anton                : I work for a company shipping ....

I Met the customers.
I Was making a ship.
I audited the finance report.
I arrange the schedule of delivery.

36. Nanda            : what social networking site do you like?
       Gusti  : ....we can get some friend on it.

A.                I Like twitter so much.
B.                                I Love facebookers so much.
C.                                I’d rather have facebook users.
D.                I had better use my friend’s accounds.

37. Adrian            : there is a problem with this camera. It doesn’t work. ...?
       Hadi              : I’m not sure I can fix it. Let’s find a repair shop.

A.                Do you know how to use it.
B.                                Would you mind checking it out.
C.                                Can you take some pictures for me.
D.                Will you show me the instrucsion.

38. Hanna            : I really want to continue my study, but my parents can’t afford it.
 Safa                : what will you do then?
Hanna             : ...

A.                        If  I had a good chance, I would try it.
B.                        If a get a scholarship, I Will enter the college.
C.                        If my parents permit me, I will enter the university.
D.                        If  I studied hard, I could pass the examination.

39. mother          :  you are going to celebrate your 17 th birhday. What will you do?
 Clara         : ... i plan to have a small party with them.

A.                I would send some cards.
B.                                I’ll invite my friends
C.                                l’ve gone to the bakeries.
D.                l am making invitations.

40.          yurma   : why didn’t you join the student’s leadership training program ?
 Dimaz       : ... l had diarrhea.
A.                I will join other programs
B.                                l take a other crourse
C.                                I am having flu.
D.                I was hospitalized.

41.          jane      : where’s jhon?
 Joe        : he’s in the kitchen now, ... we’ll have special guest tonight
A.                He’s cooking the dinner.
B.                                He’s heving breakfast.
C.                                We’re having lunch together.
D.                We’re eating our meal.
From      : marketing meneger
To           : general meneger
Subjek    : recruitment sales

In order to meet target in sales of our products, we need to (42)…… the rate of sale. I think we have to recruit some new employees (43)……  sales position.
Can you follow it up?
If (44)….. next month I would like to have 10 new employees in my division

42.    A.           bring
         B.            raise
         C.           look
         d.            call

43.    A.           on
         B.            for
         C.           with
         D.           about
44.    A.           possible          
         B.            valuable
         C.           audible
         D.           credible

In the anniversary of SMKN 1 Tangerang,we want to (45)….. all of you,the student of SMKN 1 to have speech competition.It will be held(46)…
Day / Date                      : Tuesday,December 30,2012
Time                               : 09:00 A.M.
Place                               : SMKN 1

The participant should be able to speak English well.
The price are                   :           1st Rp2,500,000
Register your (47)…name calling the followings:
Andini at 08161463085 – contact person
Deni at 3250119

45.    A.           invite
         B.            talk
         C.            join
         D.           come
46.    A.           on
         B.            in
         C.            of
         D.           for
47.    A.           complete
         B.            collective
         C.            creative
         D.           concrete
We are located in the heart of jogja city malioboro street, near the sultan palace . we have ten convention rooms fully (48)….. with the internet service plus hotspot/WIFI.
We have 200 suitable rooms with variety of accommodation: superior,deluxe, junior suite and executive suite equipped as for 5 star international hotel standar. (49)……. Your basiness and relaxation, intan garuda hotel offers:
“intan” coffee shop, 24 hours room service, swimming pool,  spa and aroma therapy,  shuttle service to airport,  banking,money changer and shopping arcades.
We have well trained experienced staff who will do their (50)…… to fulfill your wants and need. Come to our hotel.
48.    A.           ordered
         B.            equipped
         C.           comfirmed
         D.           complained
49.    A.           for
         B.            with
         C.           from
         D.           through
50     A.           last
         B.            fast
         C.           bast
         D.           hard

To        : all office personal being tranferred to Paris’ Office
From    : A. Scheider
Re        : Suggestions to prepare for move

Each day may e-mail is full of messages concerning this move. Rather than responding to each of you individually I am (42)…….. this memo to all of you. Please follow the instructions (43)…….. carefully. Do not omit any steps and please do not ask me these questions again.
*      Pack all of the items in or on your desk in boxes
*      Label all boxes  clearly to make unpacking (44)…..
*      Retrieve and delete all messages in your telephone to cleae it for the person who will occupy your desk
*      Change the outgoing message on your answering machine so callers can get your new office number
*      Provide the network manager with your old password and computer identification number
*      Notify clients n writing your new location and phone number

42.      A.                forwarding
            B                 pointing
            C.                                revising
            D.                concluding

43.      A.                below
            B.                                above
            C.                                under
            D.                about

44.      A.                longer
            B.                                faster
            c.                 wider
            d.                                easier

All habitan must ensure that all taps are(45)….. when not in use, particularly overnight(46)….. prevent floding, where apparatus is connected for long periods to a water point. The conection should be secured with hose clips and the tubing regular axamined to ensure that it is in a good condition. Each water pump consumes water at the rate of ten listen listres per minutes (wiproves expencive and (47)…… ). Therefore they used only for minimum time necessary.

45.      A.                kicked off
            B.                                turnet off
            C.                                paid off
            D.                took off

46.      A.                for
            B.                                to
            C.                                in
            D.                from
47.      A.                practical
            B.                                potential
            C.                                essential
            D.                crucial
Indonesia the land of gods and goddesses.the land where art and beauty (48)…. The land wher people,nature,custom and tradition blend into one unique culture.
Enjoy all our hospitality,our marvelous heritages our people (49)…. Serene grace and beauty.
Touch our white line beaches.Experiences our (50)…cultural attraction.experience all our diversity.yesterday,today and tomorrow.Indonesia,the ultimate diversity.

48.      A.                show
            B .               glow
            C.                                play
            D.                meet
49.      A.                out
            B.                                from
            C.                                of
            D.                by
50.      A.                boring
            B.                                unique
            C.                                imposible
            D.                expensive

Private & confidential
To               : Claire Patterson                                                                                             from      : Andrew tiffani
C,c              : carlo balding (marketing)                                                                           date       : February 12, 2013
Re               : budget cuts
I regret to inform you that we must look for further reduction in our spending on
Sales promotion and advertising. I’m (42)…….…… an urgent meeting for tomorrow
(Tuesday) at 09:00 A.M in my office (43)………. Discuss next month’s budget. I realize
This very (44)………. Notice, but I’d appreciate if you could attend.


42.      A.                attending
            B.                                taking
            C.                                inviting
            D.                calling
43.      A.                at
            B.                                to
            C.                                on
            D.                in
44.      A.                short
            B.                                wide
            C.                                large
            D.                big

Get Ready For Our team-building exercise !
                    On Thursday,December 3,2012,the company will (45)…. A whole-day-team-building exercise at the Claremont Beach Resort In San Diego.
                    The activities in the morning will be done in the following order:bounty-hunting,tug-of-war,boat-building,and team relay.After lunch,we will do puzzle-solving exercise (46)….separate groupings.
                    Assembly will be at the  campus cafeteria.We will have breakfast there at 6:30 A.M. and the company bus will leave at exactly 8:00 A.M.(47)…. Dress and sports get ups are a must.We will have lunch and snacks at the beach resort.

45.      A.                hold
            B.                                build
            C.                                start
            D.                celebrate
46.      A.                at
            B.                                on
            C.                                in
            D.                of
47.      A.                exact
            B.                                casual
            C.                                formal
            D.                expensive
Indonesia the land of gods and goddesses.the land where art and beauty (48)…. The land wher people,nature,custom and tradition blend into one unique culture.
Enjoy all our hospitality,our marvelous heritages our people (49)…. Serene grace and beauty.
Touch our white line beaches.Experiences our (50)…cultural attraction.experience all our diversity.yesterday,today and tomorrow.Indonesia,the ultimate diversity.

48.      A.                show
            B.                                glow
            C.                                play
            D.                meet
49.      A.                out
            B.                                from
            C.                                of           
            D.                by
50.      A.                boring
            B.                                unique
            C.                                imposible
            D.                expensive

Private & Confidential
To               : Claire Patterson                                                                                             from      : Andrew tiffani
C,c              : carlo balding (marketing)                                                                           date       : February 12, 2013
Re               : budget cuts
I regret to inform you that we must look for further reduction in our spending on
Sales promotion and advertising. I’m (42)…….…… an urgent meeting for tomorrow
(Tuesday) at 09:00 A.M in my office (43)………. Discuss next month’s budget. I realize
This very (44)………. Notice, but I’d appreciate if you could attend.


42.      A.                attending
            B.                                taking
            C.                                inviting
            D.                calling
43.      A.                at
            B.                                to
            C.                                on
            D.                in
44.      A.                short
            B.                                wide
            C.                                large
            D.                big

All habitan must ensure that all taps are(45)….. when not in use, particularly overnight(46)….. prevent floding, where apparatus is connected for long periods to a water point. The conection should be secured with hose clips and the tubing regular axamined to ensure that it is in a good condition. Each water pump consumes water at the rate of ten listen listres per minutes (wiproves expencive and (47)…… ). Therefore they used only for minimum time necessary.

45.        A.                kicked off
              B.                                turnet off
            C .               paid off
D.                took off

46.      A.                for
B.                                to
C .               in
D.                from
47.      A.                practical
B .               potential
    C.            essential
    D.            crucial

Indonesia the land of gods and goddesses.the land where art and beauty (48)…. The land wher people,nature,custom and tradition blend into one unique culture.
Enjoy all our hospitality,our marvelous heritages our people (49)…. Serene grace and beauty.
Touch our white line beaches.Experiences our (50)…cultural attraction.experience all our diversity.yesterday,today and tomorrow.Indonesia,the ultimate diversity.

48.      A.                show
B.                                glow
C.                                play
D.                meet
49.      A.                out
B.                                from
C.                                of           
D.                by
50.      A.                boring
B.                                unique
C.                                imposible
D.                expensive

From                         : General Manager                                                          Date: November 21,2012
To                               :Trade Supervisor
Subject                     :No smoking
Thank you for meeting me on 14 November.I am sure you all agree that we had a frank and useful discussion about the no smoking policy.
On 19 November,I attended a board of directors meeting. We(42)…. For a long time to find the way out (43)…. The smokers.
On 20 November,we decided to provide (44)…. Smoking room for the smokers and if the workers break the rule,they will get charge for Rp 100.000.This rule is applied by Monday.

42.      A.                wrote
B.                                talked
C .               found
D.                searched
43.      A.                by
B.                                at
C.                                for
d.                                with
44.      A.                special
                B .               broken
                C .               wet
                D.                full


In the anniversary of SMKN 1 Tangerang,we want to (45)….. all of you,the student of SMKN 1 to have speech competition.It will be held(46)…
Day / Date                      : Tuesday,December 30,2012
Time                               : 09:00 A.M.
Place                               : SMKN 1

The participant should be able to speak English well.
The price are                   :           1st Rp2,500,000
Register your (47)…name calling the followings:
Andini at 08161463085 – contact person
Deni at 3250119

45.    A.           invite
B.            talk
C.            join
D.           come
46.    A.           on
B.            in
C.            of
D.           for
47.    A.           complete
B.            collective
C.            creative
D.           concrete
PT. Inter Orient Logistic
A leading International forwarding organization (48)…. For its office (49)…. In Jakarta and Surabaya,qualified applicants are needed for the following positions;
Marketing Representatives
Customer Service
(50)…. Experience and command of English language is a must.Please send your application by email to
48.      A.                seems
B.                                wants
C.                                find
D.                seeks
49.      A.                on
B.                                by
C.                                in
D.                at
50.      A.                low
B.                                Fast
C.                                Bad
D.                good